Baby Scrapbooks (Part 1)

I want to share a baby scrapbook made by me & hubby for our son. Hopefully it will bring inspirations to those who wanted to keep memories alive through scrapbooking 😊

The difference between my scrapbook with others is that there are 2 journalling in a scrapbook page. One made by me, another one by my husband. So that my son will know 2 sides of the story 😉

Being a working mom the only time when I can do scrapbooking is at night (around 10pm-11.30pm), although it is tiring but I enjoy it 😊 . Hopefully I can give this scrapbook album to my son when he is older..

1st time tried to do quilling.. Thanks to a friend for the idea when she gave me a beautiful handmade quilling bday card 😊

Details... I purposely choose pregnancy test kit that is not too big or too thick, coz I already planned to keep it for my scrapbook page *LOL*. (Watson brand - If I'm not wrong). I took a lot of time to finish this page.. But I'm quite satisfied.

9 months pregnancy and a lot of pictures from my gynea.. I was thinking to have 4 pattern papers that related one another.. Then I had an idea to use 4 seasons concept. But it was really difficult to find the scrapbook papers. 

In the end I made my own scrapbook paper.. I must say that it was a looot of work to do. But I'm happy with the result

Tips to make monthly pregnancy photos:
1. Find a good spot and try to take the photos at the same spot every month
2. Find a dress that you know it can fit till the last stage of your pregnancy

Found a nice scrapbook paper and it was very cheap.. Only $1 haha..

Previously I was going to use brown paper as the background. I was stuck for few days.. Then when I change the paper to blue, the inspiration flows smoothly. I guess Brown is not my color... The right things on the bottom right are my son's hair and umbilical cord..

To be continued...


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